Wednesday 24 December 2014

Christmas Eve Tag!

Hello Everyone!
This is going to be my last blog post of 2014 and I have decided to do the Christmas Eve tag, this tag was made up by a YouTuber called Eve, I will leave her link further down. The rules are that you must answer this and upload it on Christmas Eve and the tag whoever you want too but make sure you let them know. 

1. What time is it when you're filming this?
I am not filming this as I am a blogger not a YouTuber, I am writing this at 16:07pm. 

2. How excited are you for tomorrow? 
I am very excited I love Christmas and I am always excited for it, I have literally been excited for Christmas ever since Bonfire night was over. 

3. What are your Christmas Eve traditions?
I don't really have any traditions as such because my plans seem to change every year. We sometimes have a little family party at my Nan's house or I just usually watch Christmas film with a hot chocolate. 

4. Favourite Christmas Eve movie?
This is a hard one because I like a lot of Christmas movies but this year it has to be Frozen

5. Go on NORAD Santa Tracker, Where is Santa right now?
As I am writing this now Santa is heading to Lhasa, Tibet China, woah he still has a long way to go

6. Can you sleep on Christmas Eve?
When I was younger I couldn't sleep at all but now I will sleep and probably get up at like 10 am. So I will probably sleep this year. 

7. What present are you hoping to wake up to?
I would really like a new camera because I am wanting to start YouTube after Christmas. Other then that I have just asked for some little presents such as body sets, beauty items, clothes, shoes, perfume etc. 

8. Have you bought all your presents for your family/friends? 
I have already got everyone else's presents I got them in November so then I knew that I had them otherwise I would have forgot, the presents are currently chilling under the Christmas Tree

9. Wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Merry Christmas Everyone 

I would like to tag anyone who wants to do this tag it's really fun!!  
Eve's Channel link -    I think her video will be up sometime tonight but make sure you check out her channel and subscribe, her videos are really good!! 

The next time I will blog now is 2015, so until then have a Merry Christmas, have fun and stay safe!! 

Enjoy x

Sunday 14 December 2014

Christmas Tag

Hello everyone, 
As we all know it's nearly Christmas which is my favourite time of the year. I just love everything about Christmas. I'm just so excited for it! 
This is the Christmas Tag which I have been dying to do for you. 

1. What is your favourite Christmas movie?
This is a hard one because I enjoy watching a lot of Christmas movies. The movies which I enjoy are Elf, Home Alone, Polar Express and the best one of all is Frozen. From these four I would have to chose Frozen to be my favourite Christmas movie. 

2. What is your favourite Christmas song?
I can't chose just one song because I love some many Christmas songs, so if it's allowed I am going to say all of them. Although I am sat writing this post to The Fairy Tale Of New York, which is a classic. 

3. Mince Pie or Christmas Pudding? 
I don't really like mince pies and Christmas pudding so when it comes to this part of the day I try and avoid it or find something else to eat. 

4. Favourite Christmas scent?
My favourite Christmas sent has to be cinnamon, it just doesn't feel like Christmas if you don't have a cinnamon scented candle burning in your room.

5. Are you wishing for a white Christmas?
I am so wishing for a white Christmas, if it doesn't snow then to me it just doesn't feel like Christmas, so I am expecting a lot of snow on Christmas Eve/Day. 

6. What is at the top of your Christmas list? 
I think the thing on the top of my Christmas list will probably a camera so then I can start doing YouTube videos. 

7. What sits at the top of your Christmas tree?
I usually have an angel or a star at the top of the tree but this year its Santa, he is watching us to see if we have made is on the good list haha. 

8. Favourite Christmas drink?
Recently I have been drinking hot chocolates both at home and when I go out. When I go out I tend to buy them from McDonald's if you haven't had them from McDonald's you need to try them but when I am at home I have my hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows. 

9. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? 
Rudolph, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer... this is a struggle for me I only know those four. 

10. Do you dress up for Christmas?
I wouldn't call it dressing up but I do like wearing a good old Christmas jumper (if i remember to buy one) on Christmas day, that's about how dressed it it gets. 

I hope you enjoyed my Christmas tag & if you can name all of Santa's reindeer's the leave a comment. I will be blogging until the 24th December then I'll be back in the New Year. 

Enjoy x 

Friday 5 December 2014

Tanya Burr Collection At Superdrug

Hey & welcome back to my blog, the only reason why I haven't blogged for a while is because I have been busy doing my Christmas shopping and things, but I'm back now and ready to write another post for you. Today I am going to talk about the Tanya Burr collection which is in Superdrug at the moment. Tanya Burr is another YouTuber who I love. 
So I am going to tell you about the items that Tanya has in her collection. 

The first thing I am going to talk about is the eyelashes, she has these in all different styles and these are super cheap. I don't really know what else to say about these because I don't really wear eyelashes, but if you do then go out and buy a pair of these. 

Tanya Burr Bambi Eyelashes £3.65 @ Superdrug 

Tanya has about 18 lip glosses out and this one if my favourite one, I am so in love with colour of this. The lip gloss is so shiny and it stays on for a long time and you don't have to keep re- applying it that often. The sad news is that I have ran out of this lip gloss and my nearest store doesn't have any in yet, so I will have to get another one soon. The prices of these are different some of them have been reduced and some haven't. 

Tanya Burr Aphrodite Lipgloss £6.99 @ Superdrug

This nail varnish set just has the nicest colours in. The pink one is my favourite of them all. This nail varnish actually stays on your nails for quite a long time and it doesn't chip that easy, I would recommend this to anyone who uses nail varnish. You don't have to get these in a set, Superdrug have them in a range of different colours and I think they are about £3.99 for one. I am a nail varnish addict so I will have to buy more of these. 

Tanya Burr Nail Polish Pink Set £11.99 @ Superdrug

I hope you enjoyed this blog & I hope you will go out and buy some of these products. 
Tanya's Twitter -
Make sure you subscribe to Tanya's channel if you already haven't -

Also make sure you also follow me on twitter -

Until next time, Enjoy x 

Friday 28 November 2014

November Favourites

Hello Everyone & welcome back to my blog, 

As it is nearly the end of November I am going to talk about which products I have been loving this month, I will also be doing one of these at the end of every month!! 

I have been loving the Zoella bodymist this month, I just love the smell of it & the bottle is the perfect size for your handbag and it has such a cute design. I just love the smell of this body mist aswell its a really attractive smell HA. It is also a very affordable. 

I actually love this lipstick and the colour of it is the perfect colour for winter. I don't wear this lipstick all the time but when I do I am really impressed with it and it stays on for a long time aswell so you don't have too keep reapplying it, which is a good thing. The lipstick is only £1.99 but such good quality. 

This nail varnish is slowing becoming one of my favourites of all time, I pretty much use this all the time because the colour again is the perfect colour for winter. I love this because it stays on and it doesn't chip like other nail varnishes I have used in the past. This is also an affordable product. 

Ever since this album has been released I have had it on a lot, I would have to say that it is one of my favourites albums and the best album that One Direction have done. I love what they have done with the sound on this one because it's a mature sound and the music has grown up with them & I think the boys are writing from personal experiences which makes the songs even better. I couldn't even pick a favourite song because I just like them all so much.

A thermal flask is a MUST for this time of year, I always have one with me because you can just put your hot drink in the flask and then you can take it out with you & it saves you buying one from a coffee shop or McDonalds. These are perfect because it keeps your drink warm and you can take it anywhere with you. 

So these are some items I have been loving this month, I had to narrow it down otherwise I wouldn't have fitted it all on. 

Enjoy x

Sunday 23 November 2014

Song Sunday!!!

Hello Everyone, 
In this post I have decided to tell you about which songs I'm loving right now and because it's Sunday I have decided to call it Song Sunday, which makes sense. So let's get started then. 

I am a  big fan of One Direction & I really like this album. The song I am going to talk about from this album is Night Changes, I love this song so much I just think it's so mature and they sound has changed every year. I just think the song is really sweet & I could listen to it all day. Overall the album for me is my favourite album that One Direction have done. 

The next song is by Fuse ODG ft Angel - T.I.N.A, I love this song  because the beat of it just makes me want to get up and dance and I love music what has a beat like that, the lyrics to the song are so catchy they just get stuck in your head and it just makes you want to sing along. 

I was so happy when these bands came together as one because I grew up listening to these bands and when the single came out I was just like OMG. This song is the most played song on my phone I love it that much it just makes me want to do an air guitar every time I play it. I also love the beat to this song. 

The last song is Olly Murs ft Travie McCoy - Wrapped Up, I love Olly Murs & his music but this song is probably for me one of the best songs he has done I just love everything about it. This song is stuck in my head pretty much all of the time and I'm always singing it. I would love it if Olly produced more songs with this kind of beat. 

Well these are some of the songs that I am loving right now, I couldn't fit them all on because they is too much. I would love to know what song you are loving right now!!! 

Enjoy x 

Saturday 22 November 2014

Quick post to tell you about my YouTube Channel

Hello Everyone, 

This is just a quick post to tell you about my new YouTube channel that I have made. So after Christmas I have decided to start vlogging, I will vlog about places I go too and just random things. So if you enjoy reading my blog & want to watch me be crazy in my vlogs then please could you all subscribe to my YouTube channel, It would mean so much to me. 
Leave a comment in the comment box when you have done it & I'll be really grateful. 

Thank you all so much!!! 

Enjoy x 

Friday 21 November 2014

Q&A, asked by my twitter followers.

Hello Everyone, 

Today I have decided to do a Q&A as asked by my lovely twitter followers. I really like it when you ask me questions it makes it better for you to get to know me a little bit more. So let's get started. 

My favourite things about blogging is hearing all the nice comments, it makes me smile so much and it makes me happy & I loving knowing that people are reading it and that is helps them. Thankyou for the comment about my blog being perf. 

Well I read other people's blog such as Zoella and I thought to myself this looks like a really fun thing to do and I wouldn't mind giving it ago so that's when I decided I wanted to start writing a blog and I didn't expect such nice feedback & people to read it. 

My everyday make up essentials:  I would use a primer if I have got a long day or if I'm going out somewhere because I would like my make up to stay on, foundation, bronzer, blusher, mascara, eyeliner & lipstick. Sometimes I also wear eye shadow. 

 I don't really listen to Demi Lovato but a song of hers that I really like is Sky Scraper, I think this song really shows off her vocals really well and it's a really well written song and I just enjoy listening to it. 

My favourite item in my wardrobe right now would have to be my nice, warm fluffy jumpers. I literally live in them at this time of the year because well you need to wear a jumper to keep warm at this time of the year.  
Well like I said in the first question I enjoy other people reading my blog & I love hearing all your nice comments it seriously makes me smile and I know that I am writing & people are actually reading. I also love going out and buy products/clothes, reviewing them and writing about them for you. 

I could say a lot of people for this question but I would like to be stuck on a island with Niall Horan, I mean who wouldn't. 

I think I would interview the Queen B herself, I just think she has such an interesting past and will have lots of amazing stories to tell and she would just have a lot to talk about and too say, about her time in a girl group & as a solo artist. 

Thankyou to everyone who tweeted me some question I really had fun answering them & I had to think long and hard about some of the answers. 
You can find me at: 
Twitter - savannah1994_
Instagram - savannah1994_ 

Enjoy x

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Style Icon of the month - Zoella

Hey Everyone, 
I have decided to do something different in this post, I am going to tell me about my style icon of the month which for this month is Zoella. As you know if you read my blog post about the Zoella collection you would know that I love her. Her style is on point and I think its mature and she dresses to her age which is important. 

It's easy to dress like Zoella because she shops at high street shops such as Primark, Topshop, New Look, Forever 21, Boohoo, River Island etc and it is also easy to do her makeup routine as again she gets her makeup from shops such as Superdrug & Boots. So if you are wanting to change your style in anyway then I would recommend having Zoella as a style icon as it is very affordable to dress like her. 

Zoella's YouTube channel - you can check out all her shopping & beauty hauls and she what fashion and beauty products she is loving at the moment. Make sure you subscribe to her channel. 

As you can see from looking at this picture she shops at highstreet shop. The coral dress with the collar is from boohoo. The tartan dress and the yellow dress are both from Primark. Boohoo & Primark are both shops which have great fashion at affordable prices. 

So Zoella is my style icon for November. I will be doing 'Style Icon' blog post every month I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I did writing it. 
Also let me know who your style icons are & why by leaving a comment below or tweeting me @savannah1994_ 
Enjoy x 

Sunday 16 November 2014

Ten Question Tag

Hello Everyone,
I haven't blogged since Tuesday and I am sorry about that I have been super busy but I'm back now and ready to start my 10 question tag. 

1. Cats or Dogs?
This is a tough one but I have to go for dogs, I think you can do a lot more with them such as taking them for walks, dressing them up in cute little dog outfits and playing games with them such as catch etc. 

2. Inside or Outside?
I am torn on this question because if it's sunny or has been snowing I will have to say the outside because it is so much fun but then again I don't like cold so I would say inside as you can do a lot of things such as socializing, online shopping (HAHA) & blogging ;) etc. So for this question I would have to choose both.

3. Day or night?
I would say night as I love sleep (HAHA) and my bed is so comfy I could stay in it all day. So that is why I am saying night on this question.

4. Loud music or quiet music?
The answer to this question has to be 100% loud music I mean its not a party without loud music. I even have it loud when I have my headphones in, I can't stand quiet music and I don't know why, loud music all the way!!! 

5. Tattoos or Piercings? 
For me I would have too say tattoos and you can get them wherever you want and you can get what you want tattooed its like a work of art on your body, I don't have any tattoos as yet but I do have a piercing and that is my ears but I don't wear earrings anymore.

6. Tall or Short?
I am a tall person and to be fair I'd rather be tall then short <<< no offence to all the short people in this world. 

7. Outgoing or Shy?
I am a shy person I never liked to speak in front of my whole class at school or college. I am also shy when meeting new people and making new friends. I think if I could change my personality I would like to be a more confident person. 

8. Hot or Cold?
This is a tough one because I enjoy hot weather because I can just chill out with friends and go to the beach and just tan and have lots of fun. HOT weather all the way.

9. Rain or Snow?
SNOW SNOW SNOW, I just love it I have so much fun in the snow I just love it so much, it reminds me of my favourite film FROZEN, SNOW ALL THE WAY!!!!

10. Summer or Winter? 
For this I am going to have to say both, both seasons are just so much fun & you can do tons of things whether its summer or winter. Summer because I love to have laughs with my friends, go to the beach and sunbathe haha but Winter because it's Christmas season & I love Christmas. 

I hope you have gotten to know me a little bit better from these questions & I hope you enjoyed this post. Sorry it's late I have been super busy with Christmas shopping and thinking of other blogging ideas. I will try and blog 3 or 4 times a week. 

Enjoy xoxox

Don't forget to leave a comment 

Tuesday 4 November 2014

One of my favourite upcoming YouTuber's

Hello Everyone, 

Today I am going to blog about one of my favourite upcoming YouTuber's. Her name is Jorja. She is in two channels, one by herself and one with 7 other girls. She is super funny & super pretty and her videos are just amazing. The first channel I am going to talk about is her solo channel. 

This is the link to her solo channel - 
In this channel she does plenty of things such as short films, vlogs and skits which are expections v reality which are sort of like comedy videos and believe me these videos are worth watching . Her recent video what she has just uploaded for Halloween is scary but it's also good it kind of reminds me of Paranormal Activity <<< definitely worth a watch is that video. 

Here is link to her second channel which she does with 7 others - 
In this channel she and 7 other girls each make a video for everyday of the week, they base these videos around a theme and every girl has a day of the week in which they upload a video. They change the theme every week. 

The videos on both channels are definitely worth a watch and if you enjoy them subscribe & give them a thumbs up you could also maybe follow them on twitter, her personal twitter - @janoxhood and I don't know the twitter of the group YouTube channel. 

If you have enjoyed this review make sure you leave a comment!! 

Enjoy xoxox 

Sunday 2 November 2014

Autumn Makeup Look

Hello everyone, 
In this blog post I am going to talk about what makeup look would be perfect for Autumn. 
The best thing to do when its Autumn/Winter time is too tone down your makeup and not use as many bright shades. It is best too tone down your lips,eyes and nails. 

For the eyes, I would suggest using a natural eye shadow palette as the colours are not too bright and you can add on these colours to make them bolder. It also gives you the natural look.  I think this palette is perfect for this time of year.The eye shadow also lasts all day so you don't have too keep applying.   

Barry M Palette Natural £6.49 at Superdrug 

I think it is best to tone down the colour of your nails aswell, using tones such as dark/deep reds, burgundy and dark blues etc. I would use a colour like this because it fits in so well with the season and colours like dark reds and burgundy for me are winter colours. 

Barry M Nail Paint Red Wine £2.99 at Superdrug

For the lips I would tone it down the shades to dark purple, dark red, a really light pink colour and a burgundy colour. Again I think these are the colours that are essential for winter as there are dark shades and not too bright for the weather. 

2Ture Glossywear Lipstick Shade 10 £1.99 at Superdrug 

Here is the products and colours I would use for the autumn/winter time. I think these items are priced well and will be used to complete the perfect autumn/winter look. I would recommend you to buy these products. 

So that's my autumn/winter make up look complete, please let me know what you think! 


Friday 31 October 2014

Zoella Range at Superdrug

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog

I'm going to talk about the new Zoella range at Superdrug. I absolutely love Zoella she is one of my faveourite youtuber's and I just love watching her videos and she is my style icon so when she released her own beauty range I just had to buy it!

So the first thing I bought was the Zoella beauty bag. I love this bag because it has plenty of space to fit your long make up brushes in and your palettes and even with them two in you can fit plenty more make up in it. It also has a nice glossy effect and can easily be wiped down if it gets dirty. I think the colours go really well together and the material which the bag is made from is really strong and it will last a while. If you don't wear make up but want the Zoella beauty bag then you could just use it as a pencil case. I would recommend this product to anyone. 

The next product is the Zoella Blissful Mistful perfume/body mist. I love the smell of this body mist it smells so fruity and too say it costs £8 it doesn't smell cheap at all, it also stays on your clothes for a while. I love the bottle of this and the polka dots and it's the right size to fit in your bag. I would recommend this product because its affordable and smells so nice. 

The last thing I'm going to review is the Let's Glow candle. I don't usually use candles but when I picked this one up and smelt it I just had to buy it. It smells a little bit like the body mist with a splash of sweet vanilla. It's in a cute little candle tin and it's a reasonable price. It's perfect for if you just want to chill out. Definitely would recommend this product. 

Hope you enjoyed my review on the Zoella Range. If you did go out and buy some of the products which have been mentioned. 

Enjoy! xoxoxo  

Introduction Post

Hello Everyone, 

I have decided to start writing a blog about all the things that I am loving right now such as fashion, music and beauty products etc. So before I get started here is an introduction about myself. 

My name is Savannah, I am 20 years old and I live in the UK. I have decided to start a blog, I am going to blog about fashion, music and beauty. My blog is going to talk  about what type of products I'm loving and what clothes shops I am loving at the moment. I am going to blog about any events/holiday's I go too. 

I am hopefully going to try and blog about 2 or 3 times a week, if you read this blog posts I hope they help you with the latest trends. 

Where to find me: 
Twitter - @savannah1994_
Instagram - savannah1994_ 

Hope you enjoy my blog post! xoxoxo