Sunday 14 December 2014

Christmas Tag

Hello everyone, 
As we all know it's nearly Christmas which is my favourite time of the year. I just love everything about Christmas. I'm just so excited for it! 
This is the Christmas Tag which I have been dying to do for you. 

1. What is your favourite Christmas movie?
This is a hard one because I enjoy watching a lot of Christmas movies. The movies which I enjoy are Elf, Home Alone, Polar Express and the best one of all is Frozen. From these four I would have to chose Frozen to be my favourite Christmas movie. 

2. What is your favourite Christmas song?
I can't chose just one song because I love some many Christmas songs, so if it's allowed I am going to say all of them. Although I am sat writing this post to The Fairy Tale Of New York, which is a classic. 

3. Mince Pie or Christmas Pudding? 
I don't really like mince pies and Christmas pudding so when it comes to this part of the day I try and avoid it or find something else to eat. 

4. Favourite Christmas scent?
My favourite Christmas sent has to be cinnamon, it just doesn't feel like Christmas if you don't have a cinnamon scented candle burning in your room.

5. Are you wishing for a white Christmas?
I am so wishing for a white Christmas, if it doesn't snow then to me it just doesn't feel like Christmas, so I am expecting a lot of snow on Christmas Eve/Day. 

6. What is at the top of your Christmas list? 
I think the thing on the top of my Christmas list will probably a camera so then I can start doing YouTube videos. 

7. What sits at the top of your Christmas tree?
I usually have an angel or a star at the top of the tree but this year its Santa, he is watching us to see if we have made is on the good list haha. 

8. Favourite Christmas drink?
Recently I have been drinking hot chocolates both at home and when I go out. When I go out I tend to buy them from McDonald's if you haven't had them from McDonald's you need to try them but when I am at home I have my hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows. 

9. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? 
Rudolph, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer... this is a struggle for me I only know those four. 

10. Do you dress up for Christmas?
I wouldn't call it dressing up but I do like wearing a good old Christmas jumper (if i remember to buy one) on Christmas day, that's about how dressed it it gets. 

I hope you enjoyed my Christmas tag & if you can name all of Santa's reindeer's the leave a comment. I will be blogging until the 24th December then I'll be back in the New Year. 

Enjoy x 

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes the hot chocolates from Mcdonalds are amazing!!
