Wednesday 24 December 2014

Christmas Eve Tag!

Hello Everyone!
This is going to be my last blog post of 2014 and I have decided to do the Christmas Eve tag, this tag was made up by a YouTuber called Eve, I will leave her link further down. The rules are that you must answer this and upload it on Christmas Eve and the tag whoever you want too but make sure you let them know. 

1. What time is it when you're filming this?
I am not filming this as I am a blogger not a YouTuber, I am writing this at 16:07pm. 

2. How excited are you for tomorrow? 
I am very excited I love Christmas and I am always excited for it, I have literally been excited for Christmas ever since Bonfire night was over. 

3. What are your Christmas Eve traditions?
I don't really have any traditions as such because my plans seem to change every year. We sometimes have a little family party at my Nan's house or I just usually watch Christmas film with a hot chocolate. 

4. Favourite Christmas Eve movie?
This is a hard one because I like a lot of Christmas movies but this year it has to be Frozen

5. Go on NORAD Santa Tracker, Where is Santa right now?
As I am writing this now Santa is heading to Lhasa, Tibet China, woah he still has a long way to go

6. Can you sleep on Christmas Eve?
When I was younger I couldn't sleep at all but now I will sleep and probably get up at like 10 am. So I will probably sleep this year. 

7. What present are you hoping to wake up to?
I would really like a new camera because I am wanting to start YouTube after Christmas. Other then that I have just asked for some little presents such as body sets, beauty items, clothes, shoes, perfume etc. 

8. Have you bought all your presents for your family/friends? 
I have already got everyone else's presents I got them in November so then I knew that I had them otherwise I would have forgot, the presents are currently chilling under the Christmas Tree

9. Wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Merry Christmas Everyone 

I would like to tag anyone who wants to do this tag it's really fun!!  
Eve's Channel link -    I think her video will be up sometime tonight but make sure you check out her channel and subscribe, her videos are really good!! 

The next time I will blog now is 2015, so until then have a Merry Christmas, have fun and stay safe!! 

Enjoy x

Sunday 14 December 2014

Christmas Tag

Hello everyone, 
As we all know it's nearly Christmas which is my favourite time of the year. I just love everything about Christmas. I'm just so excited for it! 
This is the Christmas Tag which I have been dying to do for you. 

1. What is your favourite Christmas movie?
This is a hard one because I enjoy watching a lot of Christmas movies. The movies which I enjoy are Elf, Home Alone, Polar Express and the best one of all is Frozen. From these four I would have to chose Frozen to be my favourite Christmas movie. 

2. What is your favourite Christmas song?
I can't chose just one song because I love some many Christmas songs, so if it's allowed I am going to say all of them. Although I am sat writing this post to The Fairy Tale Of New York, which is a classic. 

3. Mince Pie or Christmas Pudding? 
I don't really like mince pies and Christmas pudding so when it comes to this part of the day I try and avoid it or find something else to eat. 

4. Favourite Christmas scent?
My favourite Christmas sent has to be cinnamon, it just doesn't feel like Christmas if you don't have a cinnamon scented candle burning in your room.

5. Are you wishing for a white Christmas?
I am so wishing for a white Christmas, if it doesn't snow then to me it just doesn't feel like Christmas, so I am expecting a lot of snow on Christmas Eve/Day. 

6. What is at the top of your Christmas list? 
I think the thing on the top of my Christmas list will probably a camera so then I can start doing YouTube videos. 

7. What sits at the top of your Christmas tree?
I usually have an angel or a star at the top of the tree but this year its Santa, he is watching us to see if we have made is on the good list haha. 

8. Favourite Christmas drink?
Recently I have been drinking hot chocolates both at home and when I go out. When I go out I tend to buy them from McDonald's if you haven't had them from McDonald's you need to try them but when I am at home I have my hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows. 

9. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? 
Rudolph, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer... this is a struggle for me I only know those four. 

10. Do you dress up for Christmas?
I wouldn't call it dressing up but I do like wearing a good old Christmas jumper (if i remember to buy one) on Christmas day, that's about how dressed it it gets. 

I hope you enjoyed my Christmas tag & if you can name all of Santa's reindeer's the leave a comment. I will be blogging until the 24th December then I'll be back in the New Year. 

Enjoy x 

Friday 5 December 2014

Tanya Burr Collection At Superdrug

Hey & welcome back to my blog, the only reason why I haven't blogged for a while is because I have been busy doing my Christmas shopping and things, but I'm back now and ready to write another post for you. Today I am going to talk about the Tanya Burr collection which is in Superdrug at the moment. Tanya Burr is another YouTuber who I love. 
So I am going to tell you about the items that Tanya has in her collection. 

The first thing I am going to talk about is the eyelashes, she has these in all different styles and these are super cheap. I don't really know what else to say about these because I don't really wear eyelashes, but if you do then go out and buy a pair of these. 

Tanya Burr Bambi Eyelashes £3.65 @ Superdrug 

Tanya has about 18 lip glosses out and this one if my favourite one, I am so in love with colour of this. The lip gloss is so shiny and it stays on for a long time and you don't have to keep re- applying it that often. The sad news is that I have ran out of this lip gloss and my nearest store doesn't have any in yet, so I will have to get another one soon. The prices of these are different some of them have been reduced and some haven't. 

Tanya Burr Aphrodite Lipgloss £6.99 @ Superdrug

This nail varnish set just has the nicest colours in. The pink one is my favourite of them all. This nail varnish actually stays on your nails for quite a long time and it doesn't chip that easy, I would recommend this to anyone who uses nail varnish. You don't have to get these in a set, Superdrug have them in a range of different colours and I think they are about £3.99 for one. I am a nail varnish addict so I will have to buy more of these. 

Tanya Burr Nail Polish Pink Set £11.99 @ Superdrug

I hope you enjoyed this blog & I hope you will go out and buy some of these products. 
Tanya's Twitter -
Make sure you subscribe to Tanya's channel if you already haven't -

Also make sure you also follow me on twitter -

Until next time, Enjoy x